Check-in regarding attendance at any community based social activities. What is working; what are some of the challenges? Use these learnings to direct your research for future participation/contribution opportunities.
Keep exploring this consolidated list of Open Learning Questions. Things change, the confidence of your match will improve and they may be open to new learnings/experiences as you progress.
Discuss potential social activities and plan for future participation options. Check-in whether your match wants you to continue attending initial connection activities or to contact organisers, or whether they are happy to follow-up (as their confidence increases, we need to create space for their self empowerment). Keep tabs on these social connection activity developments for the Meeting Updates section.
Discuss Sharing Tree opportunities, including: Potential needs and contributions within the Sharing Tree (including confirming any up and coming commitments/dates for exchange; whether joint contributions would assist until your match is feeling confident)
Encouraging/confirming attendance at Sharing Tree events on a regular basis.