Job Seeking Strategies That Work with John (Online)

person in red and black plaid long sleeve shirt using black laptop computer
Type: Offer
Region: Other (Online Only)
Points: 40 points each
Category: Learning/Teaching/Tutoring
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Looking for a job is never easy. It can be a daunting journey and an emotional rollercoaster ride, with awesome highs but also devastating lows.

Right now the job market is going through significant change, and to remain connected and competitive, you need to go beyond the norm.

It is said that only 20% of jobs are advertised! That means 80% of them fly under the radar. So how do you find out where the great jobs hide?

If you want to maximise your job search and put yourself in the best position to land that dream role, then you need 3 key ingredients:

✔️A strong Personal Brand to help you stand out from the competition.
✔️A well-designed job seeking strategy.
✔️ The keys to unlocking the hidden job market.

What will we cover?
In this class, John will teach you numerous, modern job-seeking techniques and key strategies to help you uncover the hidden job market.

You will learn how to:
✔️ Set yourself up for a successful job search
✔️ Map out the job market, identify potential career opportunities and connect with key people
✔️ Recognise and articulate your value. Become VALUABLE to recruiters, how to effectively work with them and what to say on the phone when you introduce yourself to a company
✔️ Effectively grow your professional network that you can tap into for career opportunities.

If you are looking for your next career opportunity and you are ready to take real control of your job search, then this class is an absolute must.

Sign up now and learn techniques and strategies to help you stay ahead.

What will I need?
Something to jot down ideas
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Auslan Interpreter Upon Request
Who will be teaching?

Johnathan (he/him) is a Senior Career Consultant who specialises in Career Management Strategies and Personal Branding.

Over the last 8 years, he has worked with over 400 professionals across a range of industries to help them consciously and strategically design
the career they truly desire

Johnathan can help you find your professional ‘voice’ with proven strategies that enable you to design your career exactly the way you want it to be and feel more energised in your work than you ever thought possible.

Access dependent upon class availability via our Laneway Learning Partner...

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