Backyard Beekeeping Basics

brown and black bee on brown wooden frame
Type: Offer
Region: Merri-bek Area
Points: 160 points each
Category: Pets/Animals
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Build your knowledge of managing a backyard beehive with our Backyard Beekeeping Basics workshop.

Are you a new beekeeper or considering starting? Are you looking to learn more about how to manage a beehive as part of your backyard garden or permaculture setup? This workshop will provide you with an insight into the skills and experience required to safely and effectively manipulate a bee hive and carry out general management practices.

You’ll get a broad understanding of the history and biology of a colony of European honey bees. By the end of the workshop participants will also know what steps need to be taken to get started in beekeeping.

You’ll learn all about:

Protective clothing and occupational health and safety
Hive components and assembly
Bee biology and seasonal management
Diseases and pests of bees
Extracting honey
Inspecting hives for disease
Purchasing hives
Other products from the hive

Access dependent upon class availability via our CERES Partner..

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